Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Here it is. A "commonplace" blog, all to myself. Purpose? To provide a place to expand on seeds of ideas that get planted in my brain while reading the material for EN 912: Rhetoric (and the history of it). As yet, there are no seeds, because I haven't really done any of the reading, but this is just the first entry.

I think I'll set it up like this: every time an idea strikes me, I will quote the passage (or some words of it) in the "title" for the day, and then use the body of the entry for my thought-puke. I'll empty the contents of my brain, and hopefully begin a kind of of journey to find that already-existent idea that is napping in my unconscious, ready to be discovered and explored.

I also cannot promise that this blog will ONLY be for the purposes I've already described. Occasional grumbles may erupt from my mind and find their way through my fingers to the keyboard, and that can't always be helped.

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